New and Used Organs

and Virtual Orchestra

We are the area’s only Lowrey Organ and Virtual Orchestra dealer. We have hundreds of models to choose from. Let us find you the right one. We’ll teach you how to play it, and teach you how to use it. There is no one that does that anymore (if that appeals to you, forget about EBAY). We carry the complete line of these easy to play instruments. We also have the largest selection of pre-owned organs. All organs include a bench, owner’s manual, service guarantee, Club Membership, free classes, free help sessions, Lowest Price Guarantee, 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, and 100% Trade Back Guarantee (all extra if organ is purchased on internet). Please call for an appointment to see and hear one. After the demo, we’ll make you a great deal.


 Estey Discovery 3 and Freedom 3 (not pictured yet)

 Estey Discovery 3 and Freedom 3


Special of the Week

